Bethany Covenant is a
Welcoming Community

Where people encounter Jesus, experience transformation, grow in faith, and encourage one another.

Not sure how you feel about church?

We’re trying a different approach. We’re a group of people who are trying to hold onto Jesus in the middle of a rapidly changing landscape when it comes to church.

That’s why, at Bethany Covenant Church, you’ll find relaxed worship. Grab coffee and a snack, join any table, and learn about Jesus. We have preaching that is biblical, but not doctrinaire. We are evangelical, but not exclusive. We are traditional, but not rigid. We are congregational, but not independent.

Together, we look at the whole story of God. This includes hearing the stories of people on the margin who were part of God’s story all along. We are an intergenerational setting where our youth matter and have a voice. We spend a lot of time around tables and every week we center our worship around the Lord’s Table because we know we need Jesus.

We’re a group committed to learning together and where every voice matters.

Encountering Jesus.
Experiencing Transformation.

Join us Sundays at 9:30 am

Explore God’s Word with us each Sunday

Missed a Sunday and want to catch up on the sermon? Most sermons are recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel. Watch the most recent one here or click below to visit our channel.

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Help more people
encounter Jesus.

We need your help to give more people an opportunity to have a life-changing encounter with Jesus.

God has given us a growing love for people in our community who have not yet experienced transformation in Christ. We need your help to create a welcoming community of Christ followers that draws people to Jesus. We are building a new kind of church where people can bring their hurts and their questions, their hopes and their longings, their pain and their needs to a community of faith who is ready to journey alongside them. We need your help as we nurture first steps of faith in a church designed for people to encounter Christ for the very first time. Help us as we challenge people to develop risk-taking faith that is determined to follow wherever Jesus leads. We need a team of people who will join together to fund this vision.

Need To Reach Out?
We Are Here For You